Theory and History of Ontology ( Raul Corazzon | e-mail:

Index of the philosophers

Contents of this Section

Philosophers (P - R)


Parmenides of Elea (5th century BC)

Parmenides and the Question of Being in Greek Thought

Critical Notes on His Fragments (Diels Kranz fr. 1-3)

Critical Editions and translations

Annotated bibliography of studies on Parmenides in English:

A - B

C - De L

De R - Grae

Grah - Ion

Jac- Lou

Mac - Mou

Mou - Rav

Rei - Sor

Spa - Vol

Wac - Z

Annotated bibliography of the studies in English: Complete Version (only PDF)

Bibliographies on Parmenides in other languages:

Bibliographie des études en Français A - E

Bibliographie des études en Français F - Z

Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano

Indici dei volumi della collana Eleatica

Bibliographie der Studien auf Deutsch

Bibliografía de estudios en Español

Bibliografía de estudos em Português

Paul of Venice (Paulus Venetus) (1369-1428)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Theories of Truth. Veritas from Augustine to Paul of Venice

Peirce Charles Sanders (1839 - 1914)

C. S. Peirce's Semiotics. The Theory of Categories

Perera Benet (Pererius) (1535 - 1610)

Bibliography of the Ontologists from 16th to 18th Centuries: I. From Fonseca to Poinsot (1560 - 1644)

Perzanowski Jerzy (1943 - 2009)

Jerzy Perzanowski: Modal Logics, Ontology and Ontologics

Jerzy Perzanowski: A Bibliography of His Writings in English

Peter Abelard (1079 - 1142)

Abelard: Logic, Semantics, Ontology and Theories of the Copula


On the website "History of Logic"

I. Logic, Semantics and Ontology in the Work of Abelard

II. Theories of the Copula in the Logical Works of Abelard

Editions and translations of the Logical Works

Selected bibliography (A - L)

Selected bibliography (M - Z)

Theories of Truth. Veritas from Augustine to Paul of Venice

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Peter Auriol (ca. 1280 - 1322)

Theories of Truth. Veritas from Augustine to Paul of Venice

Peter of Auvergne (? - 1304)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Peter of Spain (Petrus Hispanus) (13th century)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Philip the Chancellor (1165/86 - 1236)

Theories of Truth. Veritas from Augustine to Paul of Venice

Plato (428/7 - 348/7 BC)

Plato: Bibliographical Resources on Selected Dialogues

Plato's Parmenides and the Dilemma of Participation

Annotated bibliography

Semantics, Predication, Truth and Falsehood in Plato's Sophist

Selected and Annotated bibliography of studies on Plato's Sophist in English:

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (A - Buc)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Can - Fos)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Fra - Kah)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Kal - Mig)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Mil - Pec)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Pel - San)

Plato's Sophist. Annotated bibliography (Say - Zuc)

Bibliographies on Plato's Sophist in other languages:

Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (A - L)

Platon: Sophiste. Bibliographie des études en Français (M - Z)

Platon: Sophistes. Ausgewählte Studien in Deutsch

Platone: Sofista. Bibliografia degli studi in Italiano

Platón: Sofista. Bibliografía de estudios en Español

Platão: Sofista. Bibliografía dos estudos em Portugués

Plotinus (205 -270)

Plotinus' Criticism of Aristotle's Categories (Enneads VI, 1-3)

Poinsot John (John of St. Thomas) (1589 - 1644)

John Deely and the Rediscovery of John Poinsot

Prior Arthur Norman (1914 - 1969)

Arthur Norman Prior and the Ontology of Time

Pseudo-Augustine (4th century)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Pseudo-Richard of Campsall (ca 1324 - 1334)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories


Radulphus Brito (ca. 1270 - ca. 1320)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Reinach Adolf (1883 - 1917)

Reinach on Negative Statements and State of Affairs

Selected bibliography on the Philosophy of Reinach

Risse Wilhelm (1931 - 1998)


On the website "History of Logic"

Selected bibliography of Wilhelm Risse

Robert Grosseteste (1168 - 1253)

Theories of Truth. Veritas from Augustine to Paul of Venice

Robert Kilwardby (ca. 1215 - 1279)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Roger Bacon (ca. 1214 - 1279)

Latin Medieval Commentaries on Aristotle's Categories

Russell Bertrand (1872 - 1970)

Bertrand Russell's Ontological Development

Selected bibliography on Russell's Ontological Development